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European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY 2011-1, STAGES, Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science (SiS.2011.2.1.1.-1)
Project co-funded by the General Inspectorate for relations with the European Union of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (IGRUE).
UAIC Research Group on Gender Equality in Science is a multidisciplinary research team set up within the frame of the STAGES project in order to conduct scientific studies and evaluations on Gender Equal Opportunities in Romanian educational and research institutions, particularly at the UAIC (see the main objectives, research group members, research and publications).
Since 2013, "Gender Equality in Science" is a theme for PhD studies at the UAIC. Prof. dr. Doina Balahur, scientific coordinator for PhD in Sociology, announced the topics and the bibliography for 2014 candidates competition. As for 2013, the research will be carried out in cooperation with the FP7 European project STAGES at the UAIC. (more info here).
The official inauguration of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science took place on the 23-24 October 2013 with the participation of the UAIC academics and researchers, post-doctoral fellows, PhD and MA students. The activities in the programme have been honored by the participation of Prof. dr. Vasile Ișan, Rector of the UAIC, Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director of the UAIC Doctoral School, Prof. dr. Ovidiu Gabriel Iancu, vice-rector of the UAIC, deans, departments' directors and other UAIC's management representatives.
On this occasion, the UAIC-STAGES project team organized two days International Conferences & Debates (on the 23-24 October 2013) under the title Science and Gender Equality Management in European Research Universities. The invited guest speakers were Dr. Katrien Maes, Chief Policy Officer of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), researcher at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), and Dr. Anne Pepin, Director at the National Centre for Scientific Research of France (CNRS), Mission for the Place of Women. The two guests who visited our University were invited to present their research institutions achievements related to gender equality policy, action plans and best practices, and to share experience and knowledge that could be transferred to the UAIC strategies and training programmes on gender equality in science.
The guests invited at the official inauguration of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science had a meeting with the UAIC Rector, Prof. univ. dr. Vasile Ișan, and other senior managers from the University. The main theme of discussions was Gender Equality Management in European Universities. At the meeting with Dr. Katrien Maes, representative of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), participated prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director of UAIC Doctoral School (IOSUD), prof. dr. pr. Emil Dumea, Dean of the Catholic Theology Faculty, prof. dr. Gabriela Pascariu, Director of the Centre for European Studies and prof. dr. Doina Balahur, Director of the Centre for Gender Equality in Science, coordinator of the UAIC- STAGES project. During the dialogue there was advanced the proposal of a possible cooperation/partnership between LERU and the UAIC on the programmes concerning Gender equality in science.
The first conference (on the 23 October 2013) was presented by Dr. Katrien Maes, Chief Policy Officer of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), who has approached the theme "Scientific excellence and gender equality in the European Research Universities: LERU's vision and policies" (pdf). The debate following the presentation was moderated by prof. dr. Doina Balahur. Among the over 50 participants there were senior managers, academics and researchers from the UAIC, post-doctoral fellows, PhD and MA students. The questions and contributions of some participants (assoc. prof. dr. Daniela Șoitu, assoc. prof. dr. Iuliana Breabăn, senior lect. dr. Nina Mihalache, lect. dr. Romeo Asiminei, lector dr. Adrian Lupu, dr. Diana Arhire, PhD students George Ichim, Petronela Munteanu and others) pointed out the relevance of the issues in debate.
On the second day (24 October 2013), Dr. Anne Pepin, Director at the National Centre for Scientific Research of France (CNRS), Mission for the Place of Women, presented the conference "Gender Equality in Science: the experience and achievements of the CNRS France"(pdf). Anne is also coordinator in FP7 project INTEGER, which is similar ("twin") in its aims with the STAGES project, both of them having as main objective structural change to achieve gender equality in science. Her presentation has been attended by more than 70 participants, academics and senior researchers, Human Resources staff, early-career researchers, PhD and MA students from the UAIC. Among the participants: prof. dr. Alexandra Iordan, prof. dr. Adriana Zait, prof. dr. Iuliana Georgescu, assoc. prof. dr. Iuliana Breaban, assoc. prof. dr. Irina Manolescu, lect. dr. Snejana Sulima, dr. Nadejda Horchidan, dr. Diana Arhire, dr. Romeo Asiminei. The debate was moderated by prof. dr. Doina Balahur.
On the occasion of the official inauguration of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science, our media partners from TVR Iasi realized a report about the event and an interview with Dr. Katrien Maes, Chief Officer of LERU Gender Equality Committee, special invited of the UAIC-STAGES project. The interview with Katrien (lasting 25 minutes) focused on the importance of gender equality programmes at the European League of Research Universities (LERU) and also on the new UAIC Gender Centre and has been presented on the 23th November 2013 as "The week-interview" at the TVR Iasi.
Questions regarding gender equality in science have special relevance in "Horizon 2020", the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. To highlight the importance of these issues, the European Commission has recently published the Vademecum on Gender Equality in Horizon 2020 as a practical guidance on the application of the new Gender Equality provisions in the implementation of Horizon 2020. The main novelty in this respect is integrating Gender Equality issues as a horizontal dimension at each stage of the research cycle: from programming through implementation, monitoring and programme evaluation. This vision support the formulation of the three objectives aiming to improve Gender Equality in research projects funded by the EU Framework Programme, namely: Fostering gender balance in Horizon 2020 research teams, in order to address the gaps in the participation of women in the Framework Programme's projects; Ensuring gender balance in decision-making, in order to reach the Commission's target of 40% of the under-represented sex in panels and groups (50% for advisory Groups); Integrating gender/sex analysis in research and innovation (R&I) content, which help increasing the scientific quality and societal relevance of the produced knowledge, technology and/or innovation. (Read more here). At the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science a special team meeting was dedicated for studying the document guidelines and discussing their applications in the UAIC research activity.
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), located in Vilnius, Lithuania, has organized a two-days working meeting with 33 representatives of European Universities and academic institutes from almost all EU countries in order to explore and decide how to collaborate further in the area of quality of research and how to strengthen the dissemination of each other working results. The meeting had an intensive working character, each one of the 4 working groups approaching a focused theme respectively: Engaging researchers and academia in EIGE's research (WG 1), Synergies in the dissemination of study results (WG 2), Co-operation with EIGE's Resource and Documentation Centre (WG 3) and Co-operation with academia to enhance gender mainstreaming (WG 4). Romania was represented by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, Director of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science.
Our university has received the logo "Human Resources Excellence in Research" which is conferred by the European Commission to the research institutions that implement the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment in their policies and practices. According to the EC "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R), by gaining this logo within a multi-staged evaluation process, an institution is identified as a provider and supporter of a stimulating and favourable working environment for researchers. (read more). Since the adoption of the Commission Recommendation on the Charter & Code in 2005, over 1200 institutions from 35 countries in Europe and abroad have expressed their explicit support for the principles of these policy and normative documents and about 180 have obtained the Commission's "HR Excellence in Research" badge. By obtaining the logo, UAIC has received at the same time the acknowledgement that its regulations and practices are in alignment with the European values of Ethics, Freedom and Transparency and the principles of "Human Resources Excellence in Research". Among these principles the promoting of Gender Equality in Science is also assumed as a priority concern, so as it is explicitly written both in the UAIC Evaluation Report and in the Action Plan for the next two years. (10 April 2014)
A report on the UAIC-STAGES activities, including the strategy and actions plan aiming to promote Gender Equality in Science at the'"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi has been drafted by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, the project coordinator, and presented to the UAIC Senate members from the Commission for studies programmes and personnel development by Commission President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luminita Bejenaru, Faculty of Biology. The report refers to the actions and events organized by the UAIC-STAGES team the last 12 months within the framework of own strategy for producing changes in organizational structures and practices in order to promote gender equality in science at the UAIC. Based on the reflective practice, communicative action research and organizational learning, this strategy has already been disseminated in international conferences and workshops as a new one, named "Fixing the transformative praxis" strategy. A set of images reproducing the thematic panels of the documentary exhibition "UAIC – A Place for Women in Science", currently open for visiting at the University, have been annexed to the annual report as illustrative materials for the UAIC-STAGES activities. (7 July 2014)
The European conferences on gender equality in higher education already represent a prestigious tradition for the academic and research community from Europe and beyond. Since 1998, when the first edition was organized in Finland by the University of Helsinki, the conferences have itinerated across Europe to Zürich (2000), Genoa (2003), Oxford (2005), Berlin (2007), Stockholm (2009), Bergen (2012), and now in 2014, at the 8th edition, in Vienna. By bringing together hundreds of gender equality practitioners, researchers and administrators from the academic world, the conferences were conceived to provide an international forum to discuss and exchange information and experiences and share research results on the changes and challenges related to gender in academia, gender equality promotion and interventions in higher education and research institutions. This year 377 participants from more than 30 countries have attended the conference. Almost 150 speakers have approached, in plenary and parallel sessions, workshops, panel discussions and poster session, such topics as "Gender Equality in Higher Education: Next Steps to Go", "Strategies for Institutional Change", "Gendered careers in universities: Challenges for theory and equality policy", "Creating Gender Equal Workplaces in Academia", "Recruitment policies" and "Early career" issues, "Gender-sensitive teaching", "Gender Content in Disciplines", "Explorations & Interventions in Work-Life-Balance and Academic Working Cultures", " Cultural change in academia: starting points, challenges and success factors" and so on (see: In the session titled Change Processes, Professor Doina Balahur presented the communication "Promoting the "co-operation paradigm" for gendering the universities and science organizations. A model of real transformation to achieve gender equality in science". At the same session Dr. Anke Lipinsky (Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Germany), Prof. Uta Klein (University of Kiel, Germany) and Prof. Uduak Archibong (Bradford University, UK) have presented results of their gender research.
Dr. Lenuța Alboaie, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, has been recently appointed in a Vice-Dean position, responsible with didactic activity. It's for the first time in the history of the Faculty of Computer Science when a women is elected in an important managerial position in the field of Informatics, a domain known, from relevant gender studies carried out in the European and worldwide Academy, as having a strong masculinized culture. Dr. Lenuța Alboaie is a member of the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research set up within the frame of the UAIC –STAGES project and this year she was among the laureates from the Faculty of Computer Science of the ''Women's Annual Science and Technology Distinctions for Young Researchers 2014''. One can read her CV on our website and more information on the site of the Faculty of Computer Science. The colleagues from the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research are pleased to send congratulations to Dr. Lenuța Alboaie and friendly wish her future success. (1 October 2014)
Beginning with 2014-2015 academic year, the Executive Management Board of the UAIC has launched an internal competition for research grants aiming to stimulate the scientific performance of young female and male researchers from our University. Last month, the call announced that UAIC will be funding 25 grants for researchers under 35 years-old. After the selection process, 26 applicants were declared eligible and for the first time in such contests the proportion of female researchers is significantly more than that of their male colleagues. Thus no less than 18 young female researchers from the two Interdisciplinary Research Departments - of Nature Sciences and Social-Humanistic Sciences, respectively -, and also from different faculties (Biology, Physics, Economics and Business Administration, Letters, Psychology) are among the winners. Some of these young researchers already are members of the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research, the other ones are waited with their CV presentations in order to be included in our compendium/open source database of the most performant women scientists from the UAIC. (29 October 2014)
Within the framework of the UAIC-STAGES project, the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science has set up a preliminary Gender Equality Database, grounded on statistics collected in accordance with the European Commission's indicators from the reports entitled SHE FIGURES 2012 (2013) and Gender Equality Index (produced by the European Institute for Gender Equality/EIGE). This database is considered as a necessary prerequisite to improve knowledge and support of monitoring and future analysis in our project at the UAIC. The collection of gender disaggregated data was realized by the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science in cooperation with Human Resources Department, Research Departments and the Doctoral School from the UAIC.
At the solicitation of the academic and research staff in our university, the UAIC-STAGES project, in cooperation with the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science, has organized on the 9 December 2014 a one day training on "Scientific excellence in Horizon 2020 projects: gender in project's life cycle". The training was delivered by Ms. Catarina Arnaut, gender expert from Yellow Window, Belgium, and took place in the UAIC Senate Room, from 9:00 to 17:30. The training was divided in two sessions: the morning session comprised an overall introduction into gender and research and show how gender is interwoven with all aspects of research. The topics were then examined in pragmatic terms in order to underline how a gender dimension of research content contributes to excellence in research. This way, various aspects of gender equality in science have been zoomed in into the framework of Horizon 2020 and its gender specific requirements included in the projects applications. During the afternoon session, case studies were analyzed based on concrete examples drawn from two specific research fields: nanosciences and biotechnology and inclusive, innovative and reflective societies.(more info on the programme). The training, based on interactive methods, was attended by 44 professors and researchers, members of Senate, Doctoral Schools and Departments managers as well as post-docs fellows, PhD candidates and MA students, who manifest their interest to learn more about gender dimensions that should be taken into consideration when applications in European research projects are to be initiated.
At the joined initiative of the Centre for the Promotion of Women and Gender Studies from Vienna University of Technology, Austria and the Centre for Gender Equality in Science from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, set up within the European project STAGES, an on-site visit for exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge on Gender Equality in Science has been organized on the 15-16 December 2014 at the Vienna University of Technology (TU-Wien).
The UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science (CGES) has been represented by the following delegation: Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, Director of CGES, Prof. Dr. Adriana Prodan, Deputy Director of the UAIC Doctoral School, Associate Professor Luminita Bejenaru, member of the Senate of the UAIC, Associate Professor Lenuta Alboaie, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Associate Professor Iuliana Breaban, member of the management board of CGES, Adina Cojocariu, representative of the Rector’s Office and Sonia Giorgiu, Gabriela Enasescu and Cristina Holban, representatives of the Department of Human Resources from the UAIC.
The transfer of knowledge programme has started with the meeting with Dr. Brigitte Ratzer, head of the Centre for the Promotion of Women and Gender Studies from TU-Vienna, who was the host-coordinator of the programme (that was previously established together with Prof. Doina Balahur). Last year Dr. Brigitte Rather has been also invited at the UAIC, to present a communication at the Conference on Gender Equality Management and to give a training on gender in science issues for HR Department, so that a collaborative relationship already exists between our Centers. This time, Dr. Brigitte Ratzer prepared a presentation about “Women at TU Vienna –Challenges and perspectives for the future”, with special focus on gender issues in curricula, mentoring and role models programmes as well as on the initiatives aiming at high-lightening women’s scientific excellence. At the discussions that followed the questions focused on the active measures in place at the TU Vienna to advance women’s recruitment in STEM education and careers, the actions taken by the Centre for the Promotion of Women to increase women’s scientific excellence visibility, and the institutional policies and good practices aiming to ensure a family friendly environment. Answering the questions, Dr. Brigitte Ratzer referred to some concrete examples, while Ms. Natasha Stengg, the Office secretary, presented detailed data on specific actions.
The delegation of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science had then the pleasure to meet Professor Anna Steiger, the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Gender from the Vienna University of Technology. Professor Anna Steiger presented the strategic vision on the Human Resources and Gender Equality Management at the Vienna University of Technology, speaking especially about the main policies, strategies, measures and plans for advancement of women. In her presentation the Vice-Rector has emphasized the commitment of TU Vienna to personal and organizational development through active measures aiming at creating equal opportunities and protection of dignity in the workplace (like childcare facilities, working hours, measures against discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace) as well as the institutional arrangements for advancement of women and equal treatment. The discussions and questions raised by the professors and human resources officers form the UAIC were focused on the existing institutional structures and programmes aiming at addressing the issues of work-life-family balance, the programmes for development of cooperation behaviour and anti-discrimination at workplace and mentoring/coaching programmes.
The third session of training took place at the Office of Human Resources, where the delegation from the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science met Ms. Heidemarie Pichler, the Head of the Office. Ms. Pichler presented the operational dimensions of the “HR Development and Corporate Health at Vienna University of Technology” which provided the opportunity to understand how the strategies and measures in place on the development of human resources and gender equality are working in everyday life at the TU Vienna. Her systematic presentation included a comprehensive analysis of the wide variety of programmes, trainings and services offered to different staff categories. The questions raised after the presentations asked details on the seminars related to leadership skills development, conflict management skills and on scientific projects writing. Important aspects of the discussions also touched the issues of types of leaves parents can benefit as well as other measures in place for work-life balance. This debate continued in the presence of Ms. Eva Vesely, the Coordinator of the TU Vienna programme on Dual Couple Career. Ms. Vesely explained that for partners of newly appointed professors at TU Vienna are offered different services, support and advice tailored for each situation.
The exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge programme included also a visit at TU-Kids, the kindergarten of the university. Ms. Astrid Schowdorfer, the Head of TU-Wien kindergarten explained the programme and the activities realized in benefit of the children of the students and staff. She emphasized that the programme of the kindergarten complements the strategies in place at the TU-Vienna aiming at creating a friendly environment for the students and staff and also as an important support for the professional work and family life balance. Dr. Brigitte Ratzer and Ms. Eva Vesely who accompanied us in the TU-Kids visit, were also present at the discussions on the programmes aiming to improve the work-life balance conditions.
The series of meetings, trainings and visits was followed by group discussions on the good practices and experiences that could be transferred at the UAIC.
In order to improve the statistics concerning Romania presented in various European Reports on Gender Equality in Science - like for example SHE Figures or Gender Equality Index reported by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) - , the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) collaborates with responsible representatives from the Ministry of National Education and from the National Agency for Research Funding as well as with Romanian specialists involved in European Projects on Gender in Science. Acknowledged as an expert in this scientific field, Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, coordinator of the STAGES project at the UAIC, has been consulted on relevant topics included in the current questionnaire used to collect data for the next edition of the report SHE Figures 2015. A meeting devoted to this issue has been held at the UEFISCDI (Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation), with the participation of Ms. Magda Resiga, deputy director of UEFISCDI, Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, and Ms. Nina Alexevici, Director at NIS, Ms. Rodica Dumitriu, Ms. Maria Predonu and Ms. Camelia Cosca, members of the team responsible for processing statistical data on gender in science from NIS.
The invited speaker of the 2015 edition of "Women Researchers Day" has been Dr. Marina Ranga, senior researcher at the Human Science and Technology Advanced Research Institute (H-STAR), from Stanford University. Known by her studies on gender dimension in innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, Dr. Ranga has a rich experience in science and technology policy research as a member of the UN Economic Commission for Europe's Expert Group on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies and of the Gender Advisory Board of the UN Commission for Science and Technology for Development. She is also a consultant for the European Commission (DG Research, DG Enterprise and Industry, DG Education, DG Regio) in several initiatives: PRO INNO TrendChart, ERAWATCH Research Inventory and Intelligence Services, METRIS - Analysis of Social Sciences and Humanities in EU27, European Observatory of Research Universities and Funding Agencies in EU27, evaluation of 2007-2013 Cohesion Policy of the European Union, State Aid for RDI, ERALAW, Regional Innovation Monitor. She led or contributed to various research projects for the European Commission, the OECD (Regional Competitiveness Initiative of Investment Compact for South East Europe), national and regional governments (e.g. Lithuania, Northeast and Southeast England, Northern Netherlands, Flemish government, etc.) and government agencies, e.g. the German Research Foundation (DFG). The lecture given by Dr. Marina Ranga has the theme "Gender and Context in Academia. From the "Ivory Tower" to the Next Generation Entrepreneurial University" (see the presentation pdf).
The dialogue with Prof. dr. Vasile Ișan, the Rector of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, was organized as a part of the activities dedicated to the annual celebration of the Women Researchers' Day at the UAIC and was focused on the theme Gender Equality in Science and Innovation Management in Academia in the context of the current international trends and challenges concerning the new mission and the contribution the universities have to have in a world where innovation became the main source of development. During the meeting, Prof. Vasile Ișan underlined the impact the participation and membership of the UAIC at different European Universities Networks - like Coimbra Group and Utrecht Network - had on the UAIC strategy towards an entrepreneurial university, the important transfer of knowledge and good practices enhanced by networking with high profile universities in Europe and worldwide. Participants at this 2 hours dialogue have been Dr. Marina Ranga, senior researcher at the H-STAR Institute, Stanford University, Prof. dr. Doina Balahur (UAIC-STAGES Project Coordinator), Prof. Dr. Adriana Prodan (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) and Prof. Dr. Daniela Șoitu (Department of Sociology and Social Work), members of the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research.
Based on the experience gained during the STAGES project and, especially, the good practices initiated in promoting Gender Equality in Science at the UAIC, our team seeks to develop cooperation and partnership in order to extend and multiply the lessons learned in this European project to other universities in Romania. On the 23-24 April, 2015, at the invitation of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology from the West University of Timișoara, Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, coordinator of the UAIC-STAGES project, had meetings with the representatives of the senior and young researchers in the faculty and gave a presentation on Gender Equality in Science: National and European Dimensions. On this occasion, the achievements and the challenges of the UAIC-STAGES project on gender equality in science at the "Alexandru Ioan" Cuza University of Iasi have also been highlighted. The presentation has been attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Prof. Dr. Alin Gavreliuc, the Head of the Doctoral School of Sociology, Prof. Dr. Stefan Buzarnescu, the Head of the Department of Sociology, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Pascuta, senior and young researchers from the Departments of Sociology, Human Resources, Psychology and Social Work as well as from the Doctoral School of Sociology. The debates that followed the presentation underlined the opportunities to transfer the good practice of the UAIC-STAGES project and to set up at West University of Timisoara strategies of promoting and monitoring gender equality in science and research content.
On the occasion of the events organized by the North-East Regional Development Agency of Romania at the Expo-Milan 2015 (on 10-12 June 2015), Prof. Dr. Dumitru Luca, Vice-Rector of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, made a presentation of the Research Centres, Platforms, Groups and Departments from our University, within the frame of the Conference "Invest in North-East Romania" on 11 June 2015. In this context, the achievements of the UAIC-STAGES project and the UAIC Center for Gender Equality, set up by the project, have been largely presented. It has been stressed that since its implementation at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, the FP7 UAIC-STAGES project, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, from Department of Sociology (G.A. No.-289051; Seventh FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, Specific programme 'Capacity', Work programme 'Science in Society', FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-1) has initiated important researches and actions for institutional transformation in order to achieve gender equality in science at the UAIC and such outcomes ensure the long term sustainability of this specific programme. Among these organizational changes have been mentioned the setting up and institutionalization of new functional structures like the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science (the first one that has ever been created in a Romanian university) which will evaluate, monitor and report on the gender equality policies at the UAIC, the setting up and institutionalization of the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research, the setting up and the institutionalization of the annual events like 'Women's Researchers Day', 'Women's Annual Science and Technology Excellence Award and Women's Annual Distinction for Young Researchers', Documentary films "UAIC Profile of Women in Science', the exhibition 'ÚAIC - A Place for Women in Science' and other organizational practices which contribute to promotion of gender equality in academia and research.
Like the previous years, the annual report on gender equality in science at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University revised the activities and events organised within the UAIC-STAGES project and also the strategies for sustainability foreseen for further continuation and developments of the new organisational structures and practices. The report has been prepared by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, the coordinator of the project, Director of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science and has been presented to the UAIC Senate members from the Commission for studies programmes and personnel development by the Commission's President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luminița Bejenaru, member in the leadership of the UAIC Centre for GES. In their comments the Senate members appreciated the complex approach on gender equality promoted by the UAIC-STAGES team and its outcomes on real structural changes as well as that this unique experience gained by our university generated good practices that should be shared and transferred to other universities and research organizations in Romania. Other comments appreciated the communication strategy developed by the UAIC team of experts in communication and the high visibility of the activities assured by the rich website ( The strategy of cooperation with other relevant European universities and networks supporting the transfer of knowledge on gender and excellence in science was also considered a very important contribution the UAIC-STAGES project has brought. It has been concluded that, based on the experience gained by the whole University community from participative action research and real structural transformations, gender equality became a sustainable action programme at UAIC.
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) launched in Brussels on 25 June 2015 the updated version of the Gender Equality Index (GEI). The official presentation of the 2015 version of GEI took place at the high level conference organized at the Belgian Royal Museums of Arts and History in the presence of Vera Jourova, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, representatives of the European Parliament, of the Council of Europe, of the Fundamental Rights Agency, as well as numerous policy makers from different Member States and invited gender experts. A general overview of the new data on gender equality in the European Union for the period 2005-2012 was presented by Virginia Langbakk, Director of EIGE, who emphasized that the results of Gender Equality Index show that there have been visible, albeit marginal improvements between 2005 and 2012 in the domains covered by GEI. With an overall score of 52.9 out of 100 in 2012, the EU remains only half way towards equality, having risen from 51.3 in 2005. An analytical presentation of the six core domains of the Gender Equality Index (work, money, knowledge, time, power and health) and of its two satellite domains (violence and intersecting inequalities) has been given by Dr. Jolanta Reingarde, senior researcher and analyst at the EIGE. The UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research and the Centre for Gender Equality in Science has been represented by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, Director of the UAIC Centre.
On the 18th of June 2015 the UAIC Management Board has approved the Sustainability Plan on Gender Equality in Science at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, elaborated and submitted by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, the coordinator of the UAIC-STAGES project, on behalf of the Centre for Gender Equality in Science and of the Network of Women in Academia and Research. Once with the endorsement of the Sustainability Plan by the top management of the university, it has been assured that the new functional structures and practices initiated by the Gender Action Plan of the UAIC-STAGES project will be continued and further developed after the end of the project. The document is structured into two parts. The first one, Premises for the Sustainability Plan, makes an overview of the very rich self-tailored Action Plan (with more than 40 action and 80 activities/events), the new strategy and model of structural changes, Fixing the transformative and Formative Praxis, developed within permanent research that accompanied the AP implementation, and also the significant results, i.e. the new institutional structures and new organizational practices created within the project's cycle. The second part is dedicated to the Content of Sustainability Plan: objectives and foreseen activities. It presents the planned actions/activities, their background in similar actions carried out during the STAGES project (2012-2015), the available resources, the content of the sustainability actions and the responsible actors.
According to the designed sustainability plan, the UAIC-STAGES project team promotes an active strategy aiming at assuring the continuity of the new functional structures and practices set up at UAIC for promoting gender equality in science. In this respect a series of trainings of the members of the Centre for Gender Equality in Science and of the Network of Women in Academia and Research have been foreseen with the aim to develop their skills and certificate their expertise for gender equality evaluation and monitoring in our university. Following this strategy, within the period 22 June – 17 July 2015, a team of the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research and of the Centre for Gender Equality in Science participated at an intensive training course on Participatory Gender Audit (PGA) organized by the International Labour Organization at the International Training Centre in Turin, Italy. The Romanian team has been represented by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luminița Bejenaru, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Corina Forăscu and Ec. Liliana Iftimia, Head of the UAIC Accounting-Financial Department. After three weeks of online course and individual preparation, on the week 13-17 July the training was finalized in Turin, under the coordination of two ILO gender experts, Johanna Lortie and Linda Wirth. The training aimed at promoting organizational learning on mainstreaming gender equality by using a self-assessment tool for institutional multi-level analysis and by involving the organization members to jointly reflect on and to build their capacity to face gender challenges in their own institutions.
Under the same strategy focused on preparation the sustainability of the structures and practices developed within the frame of the UAIC-STGES project, Ms. Elena Felice-Radu, the Head of the Project Management Department, and also member of the UAIC-STAGES team, attended, within 6-24 July 2015, the ILO online and face to face training course on Coping with complexity: Towards a more systemic approach to Project Cycle Management. Based on the recent research and scientific evaluation, the training course challenged the traditional view on project cycle management, especially when the aim is organizational change and institutional capacity building, and this way stimulated the increasing and updating of the knowledge and skills on successful projects applications and management.
On the 28 of July, at the invitation of the Office of Gender Competence from the Technical University of Vienna, Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur presented the oucomes of the UAIC-STAGES project that aimed at realising structural changes to achieve gender equality at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania. The strategis, directions and the objectives of the UAIC-STAGES project have been described and the complex and multidimensional approach which resulted in setting up new structures and practices aiming at tackling the issues of gender equality at the UAIC have been showcased by Prof. Balahur. The speaker also emphasized that the UAIC-STAGES project generated new knowledge illustrated by a new model of structural change in universities and research institutions called "Fixing the transformative and formative praxis", which is grounded in a new paradigm of participative and collaborative approach – as opposed to the paradigm of deficit and resistances. The presentation and meeting has been attended by staff of the Office of Gender Competence and by members of Working Committee for Equal Treatment Issues.
An important direction of our sustainability plan focused on the training of the staff of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science (CGES) and of the members of the Network of Women in Academia and Research. In close complementarity with the already given trainings as well as with the learning and formative effect of different activities performed by the UAIC-STAGES project, this year we aimed at 'fixing the knowledge and skills' for understanding, recognising and evaluating gender equality/in-equality through a series of certified training-courses given by international organizations. Therefore, the Centre for Gender Equality in Science, in collaboration with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organizations (ITC-ILO), organized a two days (23-24 September2015) certified training course "Gender and Science". Its main objectives have been: to enable the participants to familiarise with the main issues characterizing women's presence in academic and scientific research in the EU; to analyse and discuss the main structural causes of gender inequalities in academic research; to identify the main possible strategies to promote structural change for gender equality in academic research; to elaborate some individual and group level action to support the undergoing projects of structural change in course at the UAIC. During the two days of training course, through interactive and participatory activities, the participants had the opportunity to analyse together different facets of gender equality/in-equality in research. The training course has been given by Benedetta Magri, gender expert from the ITC-ILO. In context, Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, the UAIC-STAGES coordinator, presented in the situation of gender equality in science at the UAIC. The training benefited by a large interest and wide participation of 51 female and male senior and young researchers, members of the Senate, Heads of Doctoral Schools, Vice-deans and heads of the faculties' departments, as well as Heads and members of the Department of Human Resources, of the Financial and Accounting Department and of the Department of Project Management. The course ended with the certification ceremony of the attendees.
The final research report on the "Climate and organizational values evaluation survey" is the content of the 11th deliverable prepared by the UAIC- STAGES team and submitted to the EC – DG Research and Innovation. From our research findings resulted important changes of the perception on gender equality in science. The data analysis made evidence of the formative effects of the practical actions carried out by the UAIC-STAGES project on the capacity of the participating actors –female and male academics and research staff - to understand, evaluate, take position and activate on gender equality issues. These formative effects are visible not only in the understanding of the issues of gender equality in science but also in the capacity to identify the discrimination in different situations and circumstances that prior to participation at the activities of the project had no relevance and connotation for the issue of gender equality in science. The relevance of the results is better understood if we compare them with the ones got from the first evaluation carried out in 2012. In the first evaluation we observed that according to the analysis of the data collected the phenomenon of "gender blindness" dominated the opinions of both senior and young academic and research staff from the UAIC. After more than three years and half of intensive activities that have promoted a participatory and cooperation strategy integrating practically the whole university, the analysis of the data collected made evidence that we may talk on real changes in opinions that are important indices and indicators for changes in mentalities and attitudes. These changes in perceptions and opinions do not also simply mean a "raising awareness" phenomenon but a true reconstruction of understanding about the issue of equality vs inequality in science.
Within the period 1st – 30 October 2015, Dr. Magdalena Vicovan, postdoctoral researcher of the UAIC-STAGES project, carried out a research study on the new child care services offered to the academic and research staff from our university within the frame of "Junior programme". The research was based on interviews with female and male academics and researchers whose children are enrolled at the "Junior Primary School" and at the "Junior Kindergarten" and with Liliana Minea, the Director of "Junior Programme", Primary School teacher. From the interviews taken it resulted that the "Junior programme" became more flexible and delivers more services so that to be better tailored, on the one hand, to the irregular working time of the academic and research staff of the university and, on the other hand, to better meet the diversity of learning interests of the children and also their play needs. The interviews with the parents, young researchers and academics from the university, indicated a high degree of satisfaction both with the new daily and weekly programme of the school and with the more diverse offer of extracurricular activities and balance between learning activities and play/relaxing ones. The creation of the "teacher on duty" for emergency situations and the possibility to prolong the daily programme till 8-9 PM was highly appreciated by the interviewed parents. Among the most appreciated new measures aiming at supporting the parents after the close of the school's regular programme are the "summer school" and "summer campus".
Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, the UAIC-STAGES project leader, was invited to give an interview for Yellow Window Organization (Anvers, Belgium), the Coordinator of the project "Integrating Gender Equality into Research Performing Organisations (RPO) and University. Research, Practices and Setting of On-line Tool on Gender Equality Plans", funded by the European Institute of Gender Equality (EIGE). Prof. Balahur was interviewed in her quality of coordinator of the FP7 Project STAGES (Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science) at the UAIC as well as in her quality of initiator and coordinator of the Gender Equality Plan at the University and of several promising new practices initiated within the framework of the FP7 project. The interview, that was taken online by Monica Stroe (SNSPA) and lasted 2 hours, was structured into two parts. The first one referred mainly to the UAIC-STAGES project activities on the 4 years period and to the UAIC self tailored Gender Equality Plan. The second one was a detailed discussion about two initiatives shaped and developed during the project: the creation and institutionalization of the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science and the prestigious public event "Women Researchers' Day", that instituted, after 3 annual editions (2013-2015), a new tradition of celebration the most relevant scientific achievements of the women researchers from our University.
The Workshop "Promotion equal opportunities and diversity in academic organizations" was jointly organized by the National Council for Combating Discrimination and the Academic Society in Romania, within an international programme funded by the cooperation agreement Romania-Norway. Its main objectives have been to evaluate the perception of gender discrimination in universities in Romania. The UAIC-STAGES project has been represented by the Prof. Dr. Luminița Bejenaru, member of the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research, and by PhD student George Ichim, UAIC-STAGES team member. During the workshop Professor Luminita Bejenaru presented the UAIC-STAGES project and its main achievements and good practices on gender equality at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi. Talking about the Centre for Gender Equality in Science, Ms. Luminita Bejenaru underlined that the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza " University is the only one in Romania that set up a special functional structure dealing with research, evaluation, monitoring and reporting on gender equality issues in academic life and research. At the workshop participated Mr.Csaba Ferenc Asztalos, the President of the National Council for Combating Discrimination, representatives of the Romanian universities and members of several NGOs representing the civil society.