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European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY 2011-1, STAGES, Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science (SiS.2011.2.1.1.-1)
Project co-funded by the General Inspectorate for relations with the European Union of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (IGRUE).
UAIC Research Group on Gender Equality in Science is a multidisciplinary research team set up within the frame of the STAGES project in order to conduct scientific studies and evaluations on Gender Equal Opportunities in Romanian educational and research institutions, particularly at the UAIC (see the main objectives, research group members, research and publications).
Since 2013, "Gender Equality in Science" is a theme for PhD studies at the UAIC. Prof. dr. Doina Balahur, scientific coordinator for PhD in Sociology, announced the topics and the bibliography for 2014 candidates competition. As for 2013, the research will be carried out in cooperation with the FP7 European project STAGES at the UAIC. (more info here).
The introduction of the theme “Gender equal opportunities in science” in special Early-career development programmes aim to cultivate the awareness and the respect of equality and diversity as basic principles, values and norms promoted by the UAIC organizational culture.
2015Like in the previous edition, the European dimension of our event was highlighted by organizing an International video-workshop for early career researchers. The theme chosen this year has been "Evaluation criteria of excellence without gender bias in the European Research Council (ERC) starting grants". Through online communication system, Severina Shopova, from Support to the ERC Scientific Council and Secretariat of the Scientific Council of the Gender Balance Working Group, and Jhansi Kota, from the ERC Scientific Department, Call coordination, presented information on the scientific excellence and gender balance criteria in the applications selection process for the ERC grants (see the presentation pdf). The participants – young researchers and their mentors - asked specific questions and received detailed answers. The arrangement for this online session was agreed with Prof. Dr. Isabelle Vernos, member of the ERC Scientific Council, Chair of Working Group on Gender Balance from ERC.
For the new generation of students who completed their MA degree in Sociology, the graduation ceremony included an open course on career development. As the coordinator of the Master programmes Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur talked to the more than 60 postgraduate students about the future directions of professional development. Among the important directions suggested, Professor Balahur underlined the possibility to candidate at the Doctoral School and to continue research, at an upper level, in the generous field of Gender Equality in Science and Gender in Responsible Research and Innovation. Pleading for this perspective, professor emphasized that most of the graduate students in this generation attended the public events organized by the UAIC-STAGES project, growing professionally in a climate where gender equality discourse and practice were present in their everyday academic life. At the graduation ceremony also participated Prof. Dr. Tatiana Daniela Șoitu who encouraged the students to take the opportunity of continuing their professional development through a PhD research project.
As a new generation of master students have graduated and obtained their MA degree, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences there is a tradition to organize a last course, beyond the academic curriculum, but scrutinizing the links between the school and society. This course is about the perspectives open by the competences and skills gained during the University studies and their correlation with the workplaces demand in the labour market, that is about graduates’ future professional careers. This year, the graduates of the European Master on Children’s Rights as well as of the MA programme Probation, Mediation, and Protection of the Victims of Crime, discussed about career opportunities in social research, social work activities and justice system with their professors: Dr. Doina Balahur (Sociology and Social Work Department), Dr. Snejana Sulima (Faculty of Law), Drd. Niculina Karaksony (Deputy Director at the Social Work and Child Rights Protection Iasi), Dr. Diana Nastac (Probation Counselor) and Dr. Cătălin Luca (Director of Social Alternatives Association).
Integrated in the two-days programme of the 1st International Conference “Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity”, that took place at the UAIC on 23-24 May 2014, the workshop entitled “Career Development Opportunities for Young Researchers” was also an occasion to meet some UAIC professors and researchers who have been involved in international projects and have shared their experiences. Among the speakers, Prof. dr. Liliana Mitoseriu presented COST programme, Prof. dr. Cecilia Arsene referred to Marie Curie Actions, Prof. dr. Ionel Mangalagiu spoke about the international cooperation with Republic of Moldova, and Dr. Ionut Topala gave information on “The Researchers Night”. Prof. dr. Doina Balahur, coordinator of the FP7 Project STAGES at the UAIC presented the European programmes of Gender Equality in Science. The debates were introduced by Elena Radu, Head of Research and Projects Management Department, and coordinated by Prof. dr. Dumitru Luca, Vice-rector, responsible for research programmes at the UAIC.
Within the programme of the “European Women Researchers Day”, CNRS France (direction Mission for the Place of Women) and the UAIC Iasi have jointly organized an international video-workshop for early career researchers, post-doctoral fellows and PhD students interested in Research Networks in Europe, with the participation of several European universities involved in FP7 projects on Gender Equality in Science. The theme of this workshop was « Financing in European research, mobility opportunities and grant application support ». Among the speakers, Dr. Vannesa Campo Ruiz, Vice-Chair, European Commission Horizon 2020 “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Advisory Group” and Member of the Horizon 2020 ad hoc Advisory Group on Gender, presented some topics and opportunities for funded research within the programmes Marie Curie Actions (see pdf), and Professor Helen Gleeson, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, has given useful advices on “Winning a fellowship”(see pdf). More than 25 young researchers from the UAIC have attended online this international workshop.
A scientific seminar on “Women in science” has been organized by the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration in collaboration with the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science on the 6th March 2014. Invited speakers were Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, Director of the Centre, coordinator of STAGES project at the UAIC, who presented the theme “Gender in science” from a European perspective, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Costel Istrate, from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEEA), who spoke about “The woman’s role in accounting”. There were also present Prof. Dr. Adriana Prodan, Director of the Doctoral School, and Prof. Dr. Adriana Zaiț, from FEEA. More than 25 PhD students and young researchers in Economics and Business studies have attended this seminar that integrated the topics of gender equality in science in their doctoral programme.
The young female and male students who recently graduated MA in Sociology and Social Work have been informed on the career perspectives in their scientific and professional fields by Prof. Dr. Doina Balahur, the coordinator of the two master programmes (European Master on Children's Rights and, respectively, Probation, Mediation and Social Protection of Crime Victims), together with Dr. Roxana Necula, representative of The National College of Social Work, Georgiana Onici, representative of the Probation Agency Iasi and Dr. Catalin Fedor, from Social Sciences Institute of Romanian Academy, branch Iasi. The event, attended by more than 60 participants, has been organized within the frame of the Master Graduation Ceremony of the 2013 generation of MA graduates in Social Sciences from the UAIC (on the 2 June 2013, at the UAIC, Building R, Conference room).
Within this training session, held on the 15 May 2013 (at the UAIC, Building R, room 317), 28 young researchers from the UAIC's Doctoral School and post-doctoral researchers met Prof. dr. Teresa Maria Lago, from University of Porto (Portugal), and Dr. Brigitte Ratzer, from Technical University of Vienna (Austria), invited experts of the STAGES project at the UAIC, who talked about the European competitions for the ERC grants and the strategies for stimulating young researchers scientific performance.
Information about the possible work arrangement and career development opportunities was presented in the training module for young researchers, post-doctoral and PhD students, on the 23 October 2012 (at the UAIC, Building R, Conference room). See program (pdf).
The participants could then learn information and get advice about: :
The event was conceived as well as a training program and an interactive workshop for early career researchers from the UAIC, PhD and post-doctoral students. From the program: