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European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY 2011-1, STAGES, Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science (SiS.2011.2.1.1.-1)
Project co-funded by the General Inspectorate for relations with the European Union of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (IGRUE).
UAIC Research Group on Gender Equality in Science is a multidisciplinary research team set up within the frame of the STAGES project in order to conduct scientific studies and evaluations on Gender Equal Opportunities in Romanian educational and research institutions, particularly at the UAIC (see the main objectives, research group members, research and publications).
Since 2013, "Gender Equality in Science" is a theme for PhD studies at the UAIC. Prof. dr. Doina Balahur, scientific coordinator for PhD in Sociology, announced the topics and the bibliography for 2014 candidates competition. As for 2013, the research will be carried out in cooperation with the FP7 European project STAGES at the UAIC. (more info here).
After the first 18 months, the UAIC’s retrospective on the activities initiated, organized and realized within the STAGES project includes 35 events and actions (that were presented throughout the course of the project on our website so that they are already known beyond the academic community). In the report submitted to the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission there are firstly mentioned the creation of the new organizational structures that support the objectives of achieving gender equality in science: the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science, the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research, and the UAIC Research Group on Gender Equality in Science. There are also presented the main public events organized at the UAIC: “Women Researchers Day. Celebration of the UAIC Women in Science”, International Colloquium “Women in scientific research: achievements and challenges for gender equality management”, the thematic workshops on gender policies in European context, the training modules on gender mainstreaming in human resources management, seminars on career development and info-days for young researchers. Last but not least there are mentioned the communication actions like the setting up of the Open source databases UAIC Profiles of women in science, the first documentary film in the series Awards for excellence in science, the UAIC STAGES website and the other communication campaigns aimed at increasing the public visibility of outstanding feminine personalities in science and academia from the UAIC. (see the Report pdf).