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European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY 2011-1, STAGES, Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science (SiS.2011.2.1.1.-1)
Project co-funded by the General Inspectorate for relations with the European Union of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (IGRUE).
UAIC Research Group on Gender Equality in Science is a multidisciplinary research team set up within the frame of the STAGES project in order to conduct scientific studies and evaluations on Gender Equal Opportunities in Romanian educational and research institutions, particularly at the UAIC (see the main objectives, research group members, research and publications).
Since 2013, "Gender Equality in Science" is a theme for PhD studies at the UAIC. Prof. dr. Doina Balahur, scientific coordinator for PhD in Sociology, announced the topics and the bibliography for 2014 candidates competition. As for 2013, the research will be carried out in cooperation with the FP7 European project STAGES at the UAIC. (more info here).
The 2nd Annual Thematic Workshop (2013), organized by the UAIC Network of Women in Academics and Research, had as main theme Gender Equality in Romania and its statistical presentation in European reports. Starting from statistical data highlighted in two recent European surveys - She Figures 2012 and Gender Equality Index - the presentation given by prof. dr. Doina Balahur also included comparative indicators for gender equal opportunities in the Romanian Universities and particularly at the UAIC. The debate has reveled that beyond the figures there are really relevant issues like those directly experienced by women researchers from the UAIC. Among the speakers there were: prof. dr. Elena Bâcu (Chemistry), prof. dr. Liliana Mitoşeriu (Physics), prof. dr. Alexandra Raluca Iordan (Biology), prof. dr. Iuliana Gabriela Breaban (Geography), lect. dr. Christiana Balan (Economics/Statistics), assist. dr. Mihaela Danu (Biology), dr. Cristina Ciomaga (Physics), dr. Felicia Gheorghiu (Physics), dr. Nadejda Horchidan (Physics), dr. Zina-Violeta Mocanu (Physics) and the young PhD students Diana Didilica, Daniela Caltea (Sociology), Alexandra Sandu, Madalina Paiu and Ana Ioana Breaban (Geography).
Organized by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Parliament, this seminar was the occasion for the final report of the research project on "Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine and Engineering" to be presented. The Chairperson of the seminar, Rudolf Strohmeier, Deputy Director-General, from the DG for Research and Innovation (European Commission), professor Londa Schiebinger (Stanford University), project director, and professor Ineke Klinge (Maastricht University), rapporteur of the experts group on Innovation through Gender presented the main objectives and relevant results of the research under the title "Gendered Innovations. How Gender Analysis Contributes to Research". The research project was structured around the idea that gender analysis can serve as a resource to stimulate scientific research and new knowledge. More about the project
The "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi is the first university in Romania that has set up a centre for research, monitoring and documentation on gender equal opportunities in academia and research, similar to the existing Gender Equality Centres from well-known European and Wide World Universities. The creation of the new organizational structure, named Centrul pentru egalitate de gen în știință (Centre for Gender Equality in Science), was decided by the UAIC Management Board on the 24 July 2013. The proposal and argumentation for its setting up was addressed by the coordinator of the European project "Structural transformations to achieve gender equality in science"- STAGES, ran at the UAIC by the Centre for Social Management and Community Development. Within the project, that lasted from 18 months, was also created, in 2012, the UAIC Network of Women in Academics and Research and the UAIC Research Group on Gender Equality in Science and has been implemented an extensive and constructive action plan with over 30 events and activities for promoting gender equal opportunities in research and academia at the UAIC.
After the first 18 months, the UAIC’s retrospective on the activities initiated, organised and realised within the STAGES project includes 35 events and actions (that were presented throughout the course of the project on our website so that they are already known beyond the academic community). In the report submitted to the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commision there are firsty mentioned the creation of the new organizational structures that support the objectives of achieving gender eguality in science: the UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science, the UAIC Network of Women in Academia and Research, and the UAIC Research Group on Gender Equality in Science. There are also presented the main public events organised at the UAIC: “Women Reasearchers Day. Celebration of the UAIC Women in Science”, International Colloquim “Women in scientific research: achivements and challenges for gender equality management”, the thematic workshops on gender policies in European context, the training modules on gender mainstreaming in human resources management, seminars on career development and info-days for young researchers. Last but not least there are mentioned the communication actions like the setting up of the Open source databases UAIC Profiles of women in science, the first documentary film in the series Awards for excellence in science, the UAIC STAGES website and the other communication campaingns aimed at increasing the public visibility of outstanding feminine personalities in science and academia from the UAIC.
The issue number 3 of the STAGES project Newsletter (august 2013) includes an article on the UAIC activities during the first 6 months of the 2013. The article is written by Prof. dr. Doina Balahur, UAIC STAGES project coordinator. (See
The Deliverable 4.4, entitled Negociating for establishing new transparent rules and procedures for appointing/electing members of high-level boards and commissions, presents the results of the communicative research action carried out by the UAIC STAGES team on the possible measures for changing the situation of women under-representation on the scientific and managerial boards at the national and institutional levels. The research report also contains, within its 60 pages, proposals of new rules and procedures for electing or appointing members in decision-making bodies that are responsible for the institutional evaluation in academia and for scientific research projects funding in order to improve their composition in respect of gender representativeness.
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the European Network on Gender Equality organized two international online sessions of debates aiming at further dissemination of the recently launched European Gender Equality Index. The first session (26-27 September) had as main topic “The Gender Equality Index - a new driver for social change?” It brought together a large number of participants from governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic and research institutions as well as gender experts. Attending the debates, prof. Doina Balahur made appreciations and proposals on how GEI could be valued as an tool for evidence-based policy making so that to really guide the priorities setting and drive the change in social practices.
What are the provisions of the Romanian labour law regarding the balance between professional and personal life? Are Romanian labour law provisions harmonized with the European standards in the field? What regulations are foreseen in the other EU countries' labour laws? Dr. Snejana Sulima (Law Faculty) answers these questions asked many times by young researchers from UAIC who are interested in the possible arrangements for a better balance between the demands of their professional work and personal life (read more).
The European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn participated in Bucharest, Romania (3-4 October, 2013) at the first of a series of events in EU Member States to launch "Horizon 2020", the EU's next research and innovation programme (2014-2020). While in Bucharest, Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn opened an exhibition showcasing Romanian research, and presented "Horizon 2020" to the National conference of research and innovation ( Among the Romanian contributions to the European scientific research area (ERA) our FP7 STAGES project, developed at the UAIC, has also been presented in the chapter "success stories in FP7 projects" of the Conference documents. (see (read more).
After more than one year from its setting up, the UAIC Network of Women in Academics and Research, created within the framework of STAGES project at the UAIC, has become an acknowledged active presence in our University as well as a new organizational association with sustainable programmes for promoting gender equality in science. At the same time, for the Network’s founders and participants its creation and actions constitute also an irreplaceable reflective practice. The development of the Network was the theme of the interview given by prof. dr. Doina Balahur to her colleague from University of Milan, dr. Elena del Giorgio, who prepared a documentation about the role and the objectives of Women’s Networks in Universities, to be presented in the next meeting of STAGES Consortium at Rome, on 28-29 October 2013. (read the interview).